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Planning Board Minutes-May 24, 2006
Minutes for the Meeting of
May 24, 2006


        Chairman Philip Lindquist called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

        Members Present:        Philip Lindquist, Chairman
                                David Nagle, Clerk
                                Joan DiLillo, Member
                                Gordon Coyle, Member
                                Richard Flynn, Member

        Others Present: Town Planner Noreen O’Toole
                                Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson


        Town Planner Noreen O’Toole conducted the annual reorganization of the Board.

A.              Chairman
                Nomination of Philip Lindquist for the position of Chairman: Joan DiLillo
                Second: David Nagle
                Vote: 5-0

B.      Vice Chairman

                Nomination of Joan DiLillo for the position of Vice Chairman: Gordon                            Coyle
                Second: David Nagle
                Vote: 5-0

C.      Clerk

                Nomination of David Nagle for the position of Clerk: Joan DiLillo
                Second: Gordon Coyle
                Vote: 5-0


A.              Zoning Bylaw Committee

                Nomination of David Nagle and Richard Flynn to the Zoning Bylaw                                 Committee: Joan DiLillo
                Second: Gordon Coyle
                Vote: 5-0

B.              Master Plan Committee

                Nomination of Philip Lindquist and Gordon Coyle to the Master Plan                              Committee: Joan DiLillo
                Second: David Nagle
                Vote: 5-0

C.              Hanson Trails Committee

                Nomination of Gerard LeBlanc to the Hanson Trails Committee: David                              Nagle
                Second: Joan DiLillo
                Vote: 5-0

                Nomination of Joan DiLillo to the Hanson Trails Committee: David Nagle
                Second: Gordon Coyle
                Vote: 5-0

D.              Drainage Committee

                Nomination of Gordon Coyle to the Drainage Committee: Joan DiLillo
                Second: Richard Flynn
                Vote: 5-0

E.              Town Government Study Committee

                Nomination of Gordon Coyle to the Town Government Study Committee:                      David Nagle
                Second: Joan DiLillo
                Vote: 5-0


        Edgewood Estates (Off Brook Street)

        The Board met with Sal Pastore to discuss his proposal that the street lights located within the Edgewood Estates subdivision be wired into the homes of the individuals who purchase the lots that have a light in front of their property.  Board members said that the street lights should become the responsibility of the town.  If the town should decide not to pay for a light, they said, an individual homeowner or a homeowners’ association could make arrangements with National Grid to pay for a light.

        Motion to require the developer to tie the lights for Edgewood Estates into the town            system: David Nagle
        Second: Gordon Coyle
        Vote: 4-0-1 (Richard Flynn abstaining)

        Mr. Pastore asked if it would be all right for him to lay the top coat on the roadway before the last lot is sold to make it safer to plow during the winter.  Board members said it would be no different than having a vacant lot on a town street.  Mr. Pastore was told the road must have a proper crown to provide for adequate drainage. They also said he should talk to  Highway Surveyor Richard Harris about a problem manhole. Mr Pastore asked about a bond reduction and was told by Town Planner Noreen O’Toole that she would contact  John W. DeLano and Associates, the Board’s review engineer on the project, and request a cost estimate for the Board’s consideration at their next meeting.
        Ridgewood Elm Estates (Off Elm Street)
        Continued Public Hearing
        (See Separate Minutes)


        Acceptance of Minutes of Meeting of May 10, 2006

        Motion to accept the minutes of the meeting of May 10, 2006: Joan DiLillo
        Second: David Nagle
        Vote: 4-0-1 (Richard Flynn abstaining)

        Acceptance of Minutes of Ridgewood Elm Estates Continued Public Hearing of
        May 10, 2006

        Motion to accept the minutes of the Ridgewood Elm Estates Continued Public              Hearing of May 10, 2006: David Nagle
        Second: Joan DiLillo
        Vote: 4-0-1 (Richard Flynn abstaining)


        Master Plan Committee

        Town Planner Noreen O’Toole told the Board that James Watson from Old Colony Planning Council had come to the office earlier in the day to fill in some of the blanks in the Master Plan.

        Hanson Trails Committee

        Joan DiLillo advised the Board that a dedication ceremony will be held at Camp Kiwanee on June 3, 2006 which is also National Trails Day.

        Zoning Bylaw Committee

        Ms. O’Toole said that Building Inspector Robert Kirby had attended the most recent meeting of the Zoning Bylaw Committee to advise members of the sections of the Zoning Bylaw he thinks needs their attention. They include frontage, lots in two districts, density requirements, sills, accessory buildings and signs.

        Old Colony Planning Council Joint Transportation Committee

        Ms. O’Toole told the Board that the next meeting of the Old Colony Planning Council Joint Transportation Committee will be held on June 15, 2006.  

        Other Matters

        Ms. O’Toole said that she and James Watson from the Old Colony Planning Council would be meeting on Thursday, June 25, 2006 at 7 p.m. in the Selectmen’s hearing room with the members of the Plymouth County Hospital Utilization Committee

        Joan DiLillo said that the Highway Department is working on a sidewalk grant associated with elementary schools.

        David Nagle asked for a status report on Collamore Estates and was told by Ms.
O’Toole that she planned to meet with a representative from Kopelman & Paige, Town Counsel.

        Board members reviewed a Mary 24, 2006 letter from Highway Surveyor Richard Harris advising that the street sign for Valley Forge Road in the Colonial Heights subdivision is missing and the sign for Independence Avenue  is still spelled wrong.  He also offered suggestions for improving the drainage on Valley Forge Road. Ms. O’Toole said that she had talked to the developer.


        Stonewall Estates (Off Whitman Street)
        Request for remainder of bond and escrow account
        Bills for Cleaning Catch Basins and Sweeping (2006)

        Following a review of the bills indicating that the catch basins were cleaned and the streets swept in Stonewall Estates earlier in the month and a report from Town Planner Noreen O’Toole indicating that she had visited the subdivision and was satisfied that all work had been completed, the Board agreed to the release of the money remaining in the bond and escrow account.

        Motion to release the money remaining in the bond and the escrow account for            Stonewall Estates:  David Nagle
        Second: Joan DiLillo
        Vote: 4-0-1 (Richard Flynn abstaining)

        Application of Joseph Gerrior, Jr. for a special permit to allow for the construction of a 20 ft. x 30 ft. proposed addition to the garage at 894 Monponsett Street, Assessors Map 6, Lot 6.  Property is located in Business Zone.

        COMMENT:        If the proposed addition includes living quarters, two dwellings on a lot are not allowed.

        Application of William Donovan, Sr. for a variance to allow for the construction of a 6 ft. - 9 inch x 14 ft. farmer’s porch that does not meet front setback requirements of 50 ft. at 572 State Street, Assessors Map 119, Lot 17B.  Property is located in Residence A Zone.

        COMMENT:  Defer to Board of Appeals

        Application of Timothy Fitzgerald for a special permit/variance to allow for the demolition of a non-conforming structure and reconstruct a new area of the lot which will be less non-conforming at 140 Rollercoaster Road, Assessors Map 79, Lot 40. Property is located in Residence A Zone.

        COMMENT:  Defer to Board of Appeals

        Application of Christopher Waddell for a special permit to allow for the conversion of a single family home to a two-family structure at 183 Main Street, Assessors Map 39, Lot 10.

        COMMENT:  Defer to Board of Appeals

        Application of James Flanagan for a special permit and/or variance to allow for the installation of a 15 ft. x 25 ft. above-ground pool that does not meet rear setback and setback from principal building at 43 Baker Street, Assessors Map 15, Lot 10. Property is located in a Residence A Zone.

        COMMENT:  Board needs to address safety concerns.


              Motion to adjourn: David Nagle
                 Second: Joan DiLillo
                 Vote: 5-0